Horizontally mount your FIXTO® Welding Tabletop to the New FIXTO® Rotary Positioner for plane rotation of your welding tabletop. The gear driven free-turning mechanism allows for smooth operation, superior stability and controlled turning and positioning at precise 15° increments with positive manual locking.

FIXTO D16 Series Welding Tables with Rotary Positioner were made for those that deal with Finer Detail Fixturing Applications, The D16 Series FIXTO Welding Tables are truly built to last a lifetime and far beyond. The D16 Series FIXTO, Indian-Engineered Best Welding Tables are unbelievably rigid and have the flattest surface of any Welding Table in the market, with a 1- Sided 2D welding tables which can be used with or without optional heavily constructed legs. The Nitride finish protects the welding tables against rust and weld spatter to make sure that the welders surface is kept extremely clean and accurate for fixturing.

  • 360 degree rotation
  • Comes with 4 swivel castors with breaking system
  • Heavy Duty Leveling Feet ensures proper leveling of the table on uneven surfaces.
  • Designed to attach FIXTO® Welding Tables of below sizes


Add to My Fixture WT-3015 3000 1500 950
WT-1510 1500 1000 950
WT-2412 2400 1200 950
WT-2010 2000 1000 950
WT-1212 1200 1200 950
WT-1010 1000 1000 950
WT-3015 3000 1500 950
WT-2015 2000 1500 950
WT-2615 2600 1500
WT2012 2000 1200
WT-200 1200 1200
